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Call for Papers – Annual Conference

August 22, 2021

The Israeli Association for the Study
of European Integration (IASEI)
October 5, 2021 | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration (IASEI) invites researchers to submit an abstract or suggest a panel on issues regarding the EU and the European integration process in general and the challenges faced by the EU following the COVID-19 pandemic. The papers will be presented at the Annual Conference of the IASEI. Prominent scholar will also participate as keynote speaker on the EU after the German Federal elections.
IASEI was established in 1992 as a national forum for research and discussion on the European integration process. It brings together academics from all disciplines and practitioners in Israel who specialize in the EU and the European Integration process. IASEI provides a forum for debate and a site for exchange of views and information about the EU, and actively promotes research and networking in this field.
The sub-topics listed below are optional. Under each one referral to Israel is possible:

  • Democracy and the rule of law in the EU and its member states

  • Transatlantic relations after the Trump presidency

  • The challenges faced by the EU and its member states by populism, nationalism and the global democratic recession

  • The European Green Deal and/or digital transformation

  • Migration

  • Geopolitics and the challenge of Russian and Chinese authoritarianism

  • Brexit and its implications

  • CFSP, CSDP, EU-NATO relations, threats of terrorism and radicalisation   

  • Energy policy

  • The single market and EMU: privacy policy (GDPR), competition policy, etc.

  • EU-Israel relations and the neighbourhood

  • EU policy towards anti-Semitism, religious freedom and Jewish communities

Submission Guidelines:
Abstracts may be submitted in either English or Hebrew; up to 250 words, font 12, space 1.5. The first line should have the title of the abstract. The second line should have the title and name of the lecturer/s (Ms./Mr./Dr./Prof.), his/her institutional affiliation and his/her email.

For example:  
"Sixty Years to The Treaty of Rome"
Dr. Israeli Integration, The European University,

Proposed panels must include an abstract explaining the purpose and composition of the panel, as well as a list of proposed panelists.

Deadline: proposals should be submitted by September 1st, 2021 as a Word document to:  Proposals submitted after this date may not be considered. Announcement regarding the papers will be given by the end of September by email. Presentation at the conference will be in English only. Approved presenters will be required to join IASEI as members before the conference, until September 2nd, 2021. This can be done electronically through here.

Academic Committee: 
Dr. Amichai Magen, IDC, Herzliya
Prof. Arie Reich, Bar-Ilan University
Dr. Maya Sion-Tzidkiyahu, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof. Alfred Tovias, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Summer 2021 Economic Forecast

July 19, 2021

On Wednesday, July 7th, the European Commission has shared the Summer 2021 Economic Forecast presented by Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni. 

The perspectives for the EU countries are brighter than expected previously. According to the Summer 2021 interim Economic Forecast, the economy in the EU and the euro area is set to expand by 4.8% this year and 4.5% in 2022. Compared to the previous forecast in the spring, the growth rate for 2021 is significantly higher in the EU (+0.6 pps.) and the euro area (+0.5 pps.), while for 2022 it is slightly higher in both areas (+0.1 pp.). Real GDP is projected to return to its pre‑crisis level in the last quarter of 2021 in both the EU and the euro area.  

This rebound is the result of several factors that announced a more promising future: the success of the vaccination in the EU, the progressive EU mobility recovery and the rebound in services and industrial activities.  

As Euronews showed in its article “Vaccination and lifting of restrictions lead to faster-than-expected EU economic recovery”, these figures cover two major recovery trends. 12 EU countries will offset all their losses this year (such as Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Sweden...), while 14 others are expected to completely recover their economy by the end of 2022. Spain is the only country that registered a two-digit plunge last year (a dramatic 10.8% fall), will expand by 6.2% in 2021 and 6.3% in 2022, allowing the Southern nation to palliate all GDP damage. 

Despite this encouraging predictions, EU’s labour market is expected to recover more slowly than its economy. With the loss of 3,5 million jobs in the region in 2020, a total recovery will take until 2023.  

The EU recovery fund also called “NextGenerationEU”, is another chance to EU countries to recover faster from the crisis. This temporary instrument designed to boost the recovery, will be the largest stimulus package ever financed in Europe. A total of €2.018 trillion in current prices will help rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe.  

Image by Christian Lue

June 9, 2019

נייר מידע שכתב מרק לובן אודות שיפור הגישה לשוק השירותים של האיחוד האירופי, ופורסם באתר מכון מיתווים.

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-01 at 12.58.45.jpeg

Celebrating the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU

June 9, 2019

As part of a long tradition, the Israel – EU Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing events aiming to mark the relevant European Member State to the Presidency in the European Union.

On June 30th, 2021, at the Portuguese Official Residence, the Chamber co-organized with the Embassy of Portugal in Israel a seminar focused on the “Southern Neighbourhood: A New Agenda For the Mediterranean” announced by the EU recently.

The event brought to a roundtable panel discussion:

- Mr. Jorge Cabral, the Ambassador of Portugal to the State of Israel,

- Mr. Emanuele Giaufret, the Head of the EU Delegation in Israel representing the European Union,

- Mr. Dan Catarivas, Chairman of the Israel - EU Chamber of commerce and industry.

Special guests from Arab countries honored us with their presence:

- Mr. Khaled Azmi, Ambassador of Egypt,

- Mr. Ghassan Majali, Ambassador of Jordan,

- Mr. Abderrahim Beyyoudh, the Head of the Liaison Office of Morocco.

Mr. Ohad Cohen, the Head of the Foreign Trade Administration at the Ministry of Economy, and Mr. Henrique Cymerman, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Israel – Gulf States were also here, to represent the State of Israel.

photography: Dana Avrish


July 12, 2021

The 10-day event will give prospective applicants and other stakeholders of EU research and innovation the opportunity to get information and ask questions about main funding instruments, processes of Horizon Europe and what is new.

The Horizon Europe Info days will be open for participation without prior registration.


Iserd Newsletter May 21

May 2021

Add a short summary of a news article or relevant publication with a link to the original. You can also add a video for extra engagement!

דני קטריבס מברך את השגרירים.JPG

Slovenian EU Presidency

Welcome the participants, Greetings and Welcome the New Year, by MR. Dan Catarivas

             Chairman of the IL-EU Chamber of Commerce and Industry   

December 16, 2021

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