
The German-Israeli Chamber of Commerce
CEO: Grisha Alroi-Arloser

The Israel-Greece
Chamber of Commerce
Chairman : Sabby Mionis
CEO : Cobi Bitton

Chairman : Herzl Arviv
CEO: Irma Kuperman

The Israel-France Chamber of Commerce & Industry
President: Daniel Rouach
Chairman: Amos Ron

The Israel-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry
President: Eli Fischer
Chairman: David Hercky
CEO: Assaf Dovrat

Chairman : Dror Dotan
CEO: Daniel Yogev

The Israel-Cyprus Chamber of Commerce
President: Leon Amiras
Vice-president: Gad Yardeni
CEO: Eran Cohen
The Israel-Polish Chamber of Commerce
Chairman: Jossi Dakar
CEO: Mira Litchman

The Israel-Spain Chamber of Commerce
President: Matias Schapiro

The Israel-Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Chairman : Jossi Pickel
CEO: Zvi Kaholi

The Israel-Malta Chamber of Commerce
Chairman: Shmuel Ben-Tovim
CEO: Sheila Friede
The Israel-Lithuana Chamber of Commerceand Industry
Chairman: Len Judes

The Israel-Britain Chamber of Commerce
President: Anita Leviant
Vice-president: Sydney Lions
The Israel-Ireland Chamber of Commerce
Chairman: Ofir Angel
Vice-Presidents: Tali Kessler and Keren Ziv

The Israel-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Chairman: Ronni Benatoff
Secretary general: Clelia Di Consiglio

The Israel-Austria Chamber of Commerce
Chairman: Yehezkel Daskal
Israel-Austria Chamber of Commerce is soon to be launched.
For more information, please contact Mr. Yehezkel Daskal.

The Israel-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce
Chairman: Mr. Jacki Aroueti
CEO: Mrs. Elisa Arueti

The Israel-Portugal Chamber of Commrce
Chairman: Mr. Shlomo Schwartzberg
CEO: Ms. Yarona Marnin

The Israel-Romania Chamber of Commerce
Chairman: Ms. Kolett Avital
General Manager: Mr. Armand Schor